There's Something About Mixed Media


Today we are in our new studio space. Wow! There's still a lot of organising to do, but I am loving the process of making it feel like home.

Meanwhile, Richie has been watching me bring in all my art supplies and wondering if there could possibly be any more!

Join us as we chat about the transition and I explain to Richie why, as a mixed media artist, I DO need all of these things!

A quick summary of what we chat about in this episode:

  • Why we moved into a bigger studio space.

  • How I got started with mixed media.

  • What art supplies are my must-haves.

  • Sealing mixed media artwork.

  • An update on my next online class (yes, it is happening).

Listen to the podcast now!


Yep, I’ve got a new online course brewing and it’s shaping up to be something special! Below you can see a few close-up photos of the work I have been doing in preparation. Just look at that yummy texture and colour mixing!

The course is called MODERN MIXED MEDIA and for the first time, I am offering an in-depth six week experience. Want to find out more?

CLICK HERE to register your interest!


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