How Do You Find Your Creative Mojo?


How good is it when your creativity flows? But why does it happen some days but not others?

Recently, I had the most amazing, soul-satisfying burst of painting. Four days of creative bliss. Talk about a confidence boost! It was so good that I didn’t want it to pass by without taking a deeper look at what on earth happened!

Was it the new playlist I created? Or maybe it was because I was working a bit differently than I usually do?

Join me as I break it down and share my experiences and tips for tapping into your creative mojo.

A few things mentioned in this episode:

  • Getting started: making playlists, setting intentions, and practicing gratitude.

  • Crushing imperfection with speedy work and personal challenges.

  • Developing mastery and confidence through repetition.

  • Thoughts on daily painting vs. sporadic bursts of deep work.

  • Finishing work without overthinking!

Listen to the podcast now!

NOTE!!! This is the last podcast episode of 2019. Have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year! Richie and I will be back on the 15th of January 2020 with more inspiration to get your creative year off to a flying start! Make sure you are signed up for my email newsletter for all the details.


See how my original watercolour paintings look in their beautiful hinge mounted mats plus I've just finished several big abstract canvases! It’s all happening on the Vlog!

Want to catch up on the Vlog? Watch previous episodes here.


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