Setting Intentions for 2020


Do you set intentions for the year ahead? I love to take a bit of time to dream and visualise what I want for my creative life. Richie (my hubby) is more of a take each day as it comes type, so this process is quite new for him!

In this episode, we talk about how we want to feel in 2020, what our word for the year is, and how we are going to integrate it into our day-to-day life.

We also share our biggest stumbling blocks. From dealing with our ego to being too passive and waiting for things to happen.

It's a raw and honest conversation, but there are also a lot of laughs along the way. We hope you enjoy it and that it encourages you to take some time to explore your own desires for 2020.

A few things mentioned in this episode:

  • The challenge of describing what we want in terms of 'feelings'.

  • Simplifying our business and stripping back areas that aren't in alignment.

  • Disrupting everyday routines and creating space for dreaming and exploring.

  • Choosing a word of the year.

  • Activating the word using mantras, journaling and vision boards.

  • Identifying stumbling blocks and areas where we need to shift our mindset.

Listen to the podcast now!


You might enjoy this episode of the Vlog where I share how I stay organised in my creative business while also staying flexible. Take a peek at my planner and see how I use digital tools such as Trello to help with this. For more videos and resources like this, make sure you are signed up to my email newsletter.

Want to catch up on the Vlog? Watch previous episodes here.


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