Cosy Art Studio Tour + How to Create an Inspiring Art Space!

Welcome to my creative sanctuary! Come join me for an intimate tour of my new art studio, nestled in the beautiful Adelaide Hills, South Australia. It's a place where my love of art and nature come together, and I couldn't be more excited to share how it is shaping up so far!

Here's a quick overview of what's covered in the video:

🌿 Explore Every Nook and Cranny: Together, we'll venture through every corner of my art studio. You'll learn about the thought and care I've put into making this space cosy and functional. I've been experimenting with different setups to harness the natural light, ensuring I stay comfortable during the approaching summer. And, of course, I've been hanging art and bringing in plenty of plant friends.

πŸ–ŒοΈ New Art Supplies: Get ready for an art supply haul! I'll unbox gorgeous luminescent watercolors, various acrylic paints and mediums, and some really fun tools that have me eager to dive into new projects.

✨ Artistic Process Update: I'll also give you an update on my gelli plate prints and share how this artistic adventure is unfolding.

Whether you're an artist looking to set up your own space or simply seeking artistic inspiration, I hope this video brings you warmth and encouragement.

Remember to subscribe, hit the notification bell, and leave your comments and questions. It's always lovely to hear from you!

Art Supplies and Storage Items Mentioned

Note: Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you make a purchase through a link.

Ikea (for trolleys, drawers, baskets, and shelves):
Mabef Easel:
Enamel Tray Palette:
Golden Fluid 16 oz:
Golden Heavy Body 16 oz:
Golden Pastel Ground:
Golden Soft Gel Gloss 8oz:
Daniel Smith Duochrome:
Daniel Smith Iridescent:
Speedball Soft Brayer:
Needle Tip Glue Applicators 30ml:
Sewing Awl (*similar to what I ordered):

Online Classes Mentioned

Modern Mixed Media:
Creative Blend Art Program Bundle:

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