Richie's Q&A - Making videos, taking photos + coping with Laura!!

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How many cameras do you set up? What type of light do you use for taking photos? How do you cope with Laura? I love that last question!! These are just a few of the themes that Richie is diving into this week in his first solo episode.

For those of you that don’t know, Richie is my husband, and for the past few years, he has been working full-time behind the scenes in the Laura Horn Art business. He also co-hosts this podcast with me, but this week he’s running the show!

If you have ever wondered who that Irish guy is, this is the episode for you!

You’ll get to know Richie really well as he chats about his background, personal creative projects, and what it is like to work in the LHA Biz. Plus, there are plenty of photography and videography tips!

This is a warm, encouraging, and honest conversation, and at the end of it, I couldn’t help but think: Richie should have his own podcast!! It’s so good. I don’t think Richie would have done this episode even a few months ago, but all your lovely messages have spurred him on to speak up and share all that he has to offer, and my goodness, he has a lot to offer!

It makes me so happy to be able to share this episode with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! And yes, Richie is a big softy!!

Listen to the podcast now!


Richie’s Favourite Podcasts
The Director’s Cut
Film Riot

Richie’s Favourite YouTube Channels
Studio Binder
Beau Miles
Jamie Winsor


Download your free Finding Your Unique Artist Style Workbook. This workbook includes 10 questions and an action plan to help bring more clarity to your art-making.


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