Carrie Schmitt - Being Brave Enough to Listen

Carrie Schmitt - Being Brave Enough to Listen


This week I have the most incredible guest. I am almost at a loss for words as to how to describe this conversation. I am chatting with Carrie Schmitt!

Now if you don’t know Carrie’s work, make sure that you go over and check out her Instagram. Carrie paints the most gorgeous floral paintings. They are expressive, soulful and involve a complete surrender to the process (super inspiring).

Without saying too much (trust me it is better if you hear it from Carrie), this is a conversation about being brave enough to listen to your intuition even in the darkest of times.

Carrie talks about how moments of struggle while hard are also ripe with inspiration, information and possibilities for change.

She also shares how tapping into positive memories from her past has helped her and provided inspiration for creative endeavors such as A Single Rose Project and Rosie the Art Bus.

There is so much wisdom in this conversation and one thing I particularly took away from it is the relationship that Carrie has with her creativity and the way that she treats it with nothing but respect, kindness and love.

This is an amazing episode, it blew my mind. Definitely not one to be missed!

Listen to the podcast now!

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A few of the main themes discussed in this episode are:

  • Being brave enough to listen to your intuition even in the darkest of times.

  • Accepting who you are and the way you paint.

  • Cultivating a loving relationship with creativity.

  • Connecting with positive memories and breathing new life into them.

  • Taking one step every day in the direction of your dreams.


Carrie’s Links



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