The Challenge of Consistency: Letting Go of To Do List Pressure

Spring is in full swing where I live, and I have been taking time out each day to do something that allows me to soak it up. Often, it's as simple as a cup of tea in the garden.

Even with this practice, my mind so often races to my to-do list, which has started to feel like a never-ever-getting-done list! Wild enthusiasms are difficult to tame. I often have ideas and feel a rush of super-humanness. The problem is, it doesn't last. Then I wake up and feel completely overwhelmed. I know I am not alone with this.

Keeping things manageable and enjoyable is an ongoing practice. Usually, I can tell when I am struggling because my house plants are also struggling. Last week, I noticed my Fiddle Leaf Fig was droopy!! I put him out into the spring rain to revitalise and simultaneously started thinking about what I needed to do to revitalise and survive the festive season, which, if I am totally honest, isn't my favourite time of year. It often feels like "too much" for me.

I remember one year, listening to the Irish author, Marian Keyes, describe Christmas as an absolutely awful thing, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I'm sorry, Christmas lovers!! Marian Keyes also uses the term "wild enthusiasms". I just remembered that too!! She is a treasure.


It all started with a droopy Fiddle-Leaf Fig!

Here is what I found out

So as the rain came down and I grappled with my never-ever-getting-done list, I realised something. I only seem to be able to be consistent with one thing at a time. It's not that I am horrible at sticking with something: it's just that I can't stick with several things at once.

I have had periods of being consistent on Instagram, blogging phases, podcasting routines, wellness practices, and regular shop updates, but it is usually one thing that is regular and everything else is sporadic.

The next realisation I had is that this is not a bad thing. This year I feel tremendously proud of my one consistent thing, which has been creating a new Creative Blend online class every month. It was my number one goal for the year, and it's exceeded my expectations and has helped me grow so much as an artist and teacher.

Improving skills in all the things through the CB Program!

But also, I quite like sporadic. I've noticed that I enjoy many artists that show up in an ad hoc way. It's a lovely surprise when I get an update and it feels authentic, like they just had to share what was on their heart. These are my favourite kinds of communication. Sometimes things that are delivered on a strict schedule start to lose their energy. We see that all the time don't we?

I saw a person comment somewhere that they are scared that all the artists in the online community are going to burn out and quit due to the pressures of keeping up with new things. The change in technology has us all on such a steep learning curve all the time. Yesterday I got a message on my Instagram about setting up NFTs. I physically recoiled .. argh! All this stuff has made me feel quite rattled and anxious that I just don't know how to show up anymore.

Gosh, this is turning into a massive out-pour of feelings. Speaking of feelings, I am tapping more into how I feel each day through my art practice and using music to help with this. Some of you may have seen some of my Spotify Playlists. You can find them all here.

Back to being consistent. Well, I have decided to let go of balance as a concept. I studied to be a life coach many years ago, and we used an exercise called the Wheel of Life (you can google it if you are curious), which is a great check-in, but it made me feel like every part of my life should be flourishing at once.

I'm re-framing this to fully give myself permission to flourish in some areas while the other areas take a break. Let's call it a wonky wheel of life.

There are many applications of this, but basically if one part of your life is very important right now (e.g. looking after a family member's health or setting up a business so you can eat food and pay bills), other parts are going to have to take a back seat. It's not about neglecting the other areas, it's more about taking off the pressure and adjusting expectations.

Same applies if you have a business, there are parts of a business that you have to park while others take priority.

The letting go

So where does this leave me? And why am I sharing all this? Well, it led me to make some decisions. I've struck a whole bunch of things off my to-do list.

While I would have loved to run my 6-week Modern Mixed Media E-course this year, I can't give it the attention it needs. So instead of doing that this year while running the Creative Blend Art Program, I will re-focus on it in 2023.

The podcast is also something that I've been struggling with, I actually don't want to give it up, but right now it will have to be very sporadic, with more regular episodes when the timing is right.

Botanical exercise from the MMM Ecourse - returning in 2023

The big yes

So, without quite so much on my plate, I can continue to devote my energies to the Creative Blend Art Program! This is not hard for me to do as I love creating these classes, and while it has made it difficult to do the other things, I know that the goodness I have experienced from this program is going to fuel creativity in me and the participants for many years to come.

This program is a much deeper dive into the why and how of making art, with monthly themes including building colour confidence, making stronger compositions, working in a series, and more.

The latest class has brought so many big a-ha moments and clarity to the community and also to my own art practice. The theme is Art Style Discovery and we've been looking at ways to get clearer about what you want to say as an artist, while still holding on to the joyful energy of being experimental.

Click video below to get a sneak peek!

This month's course has been a triumph to me so far! I am truly finding out my style and who I am. (CB Student)


The small supporting habits

Finally, I want to share with you 3 habits and mindset shifts that have been helping me lately.

  • 10-minute meals - My mum was a stay-at-home mum and a very good cook, which meant my childhood meals were on-time and pretty elaborate. Until recently, I struggled with feelings of cooking inadequacy. My 14-year old daughter is helping me get over this by teaching me a bunch of 10-minute meals that taste really good. Last night we had pesto gnocchi with green vegetables, and it was so easy!

  • Getting up one hour earlier - I often change my schedule with the seasons, and with longer days in the southern hemisphere, I've been embracing mornings to do things like writing this newsletter. My brain is most sharp in the mornings. In the winter, I often stay in bed and read.

  • Any kind of movement counts - Instead of focusing on daily yoga or walking, I am just focusing on daily movement, which can include anything: gardening, dancing, vacuuming-just put AirPods in and move!

Well, that's it for now. I wasn't expecting such a big update to flow out of me, but aren't they the best kind!

I hope you have enjoyed this email and it has encouraged you to make decisions that are good for your creative health and well-being. A bit of balance without the pressure of being balanced!!